Vietnam Tourism

  • Go green in Co To

Green is the fresh emblem of well-founded hopes and Blue represents peace and tranquillity in one's life, and in Co To, Vietnam, we will have both of them.

The Co To Archipelago is a district of islands located to the east of Quang Ninh Province. Approximately 80 km from the mainland, Co To consists of nearly 50 small islands, including famous island clusters: Co To, Co To Con, and Thanh Lan. Over Co To’s half area is covered in primitive forests, turning the archipelago into a sanctuary of precious greenery. Co To is also green from inside out since visitors to this place are urged to say NO to plastic waste to protect the environment and its lush ecosystem.


It is no joke to say Co To is super serious about going green. 100% of agencies, units, schools, markets, service establishments, ships transporting passengers, transporting goods, fishing seafood... in Co To District are not allowed to using plastic bags, disposable plastic items (plastic boxes, plastic cups, disposable plastic straws, etc.) and materials that pose a risk of polluting the marine environment.

Visitors in Co To can free their spirit to wander the majestic and mysterious beauty of the tens of thousands of years old sedimentary rock veins at Mong Rong rock beach, the dactylic beauty of the creamy white sand strip hidden by the tide at Ca Chep (Carp) Island, or visitors cannot help but be surprised by the rare uniqueness of Tran Nhan Island…


Co To is also the destination for culture and history lovers. The archipelago has a system of unique cultural relics and landscapes stretching such as: Relics of President Ho Chi Minh Memorial Site on Co To Island, Truc Lam Co To Pagoda, Co To Church, Thanh Lan Church containing many indigenous cultural values…


Located on a hill more than 100 metres high, Co To lighthouse is considered one of the lighthouses with the most beautiful views in Vietnam. Climbing up the 72 spiral stairs to the top of the lighthouse, you will take in the entire beautiful island in the middle of a vast sea of sky, boats bustling in and out… The beaches of Hong Van, Nam Hai, Van Chay... are also beautiful places to watch sunrise, sunset. By dawn, the sun gradually peeks out, sun fully rises looking round and benign like the yolk of a natural egg. The silver blue sea looks like a plate with this deep and rosy egg shine and bright to celebrate the long lives of all fishermen across the eternal East Sea. To enjoy the beautiful natural scenery at different levels, feel the cool clear water, and admire the colourful coral ecosystem, visitors can choose between trekking through the forest, boating, fishing, kayaking, jet skiing, paragliding, seaplanes, and scuba diving to see coral at Vung Tron, Hon Chim and Hon Ong Tich in Thanh Lan island commune…

Co To is truly an ideal place to immerse yourself in fresh air, explore the lushful islands offshore and underwater. So, instead of saying: We are going somewhere, why not say: We are doing something green today. As the Spanish poet and dramatist Pedro Calderon de la Barca once said “Green is the prime colour of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises.”