Vietnam Tourism

  • The infinity waters of Quang Lang Beach

Thai Binh is not really famous as a beach destination, however, there is a quiet beach in Thai Binh that is gradually attracting the attention of travellers. Quang Lang Beach has received a nod from local travellers and become their favourite spot during National holidays.

Quang Lang Beach is located in Thuy Hai Commune, Thai Thuy District, Thai Binh Province, about 120km from Hanoi.


Quang Lang stands out among charming, well-known beaches in Vietnam. This “hidden gem” possesses a brown flat sandy beach spreading like a giant mirror, stretching off endlessly to the infinity. Looking at this mirror, travellers can see the beautiful reflection of the seascape and sky. All these create an unspoiled charm and spectacular tranquillity. Quang Lang will definitely be suitable for the ongoing “escape” trend for its less crowd and peaceful scenery.

How to get there

Visitors can get to Quang Lang either by car or by motorbike. Or visitors can easily boast a coach just in case of feeling lazy. When arriving in Thai Binh, visitors can rent a motorbike to get to the beach. However, this great experience to see the dubbed “infinity ocean” is only for an early bird.

Best time to see Quang Lang

Time and weather are the most essential elements creating the “infinity” effect. Travelling between June and October every year is the best weather to witness the phenomenon under a clear sky with no wind and few clouds.

To see the beach at its best, you will need to move at 4 a.m in the morning and walk for about 3-5km through a mangrove forest, this can be a challenge for some visitors but no pain, no gain, to enjoy the low-lit, silent atmosphere that the only sound that you hear is the sand compressing beneath your feet. The mud can be slippery and loose, so be prepared, you can save a pair of boots for yourself to avoid getting wet but the recommendation here is to feel by your bare feet.

Upon arrival, you can see the blurry figures of fishermen and hear the muffled echoes of people talking and cheerfully laughing from afar here and there. Take a look around, let your eyes free, the water surface is dazzled like a mirror, the air is fresh, and feel the strong winds.


As the eastern horizon opens up, the earliest rays of sunlight give off faint orange and red hues and become brighter with each passing ticking moment. In this state, you can see Quang Lang in different shades of colours and you are Alice in Wonderland. When the sun has yet to climb above the sea, it casts its light onto the clouds, making them glow brightly in a picturesque scene of various colours, pink, then red or violet. This peaceful and alluring view turns Quang Lang into two opposite worlds. The calm sea is akin to a giant mirror that stretches to infinity, as if the sky has met the earth.

The awing moment will finally be revealed as the light comes fully, lighting up all the space. At this very moment, visitors feel their euphoria standing on a flat beach that spans dozens of kilometres.

The vast sea appears clearly and gorgeous in front of the eyes. As the sun is rising, golden clouds begin to fade into white and the sky turns clear blue. The change in temperature provides gentle breezes. On days when the sky is clear, the horizon seems to move dozens of kilometres further away.

Quang Lang in the early days of summer is warm with vibrant colours on the clouds. It is also the perfect time to capture brilliant photos of the boundless sea and to satisfy the hunger for wonders by admiring this enchanting moment.

When autumn comes, the boundless scenes shrink as if they had been placed in a pandora box. Filling the atmosphere are mists in vivid colours of yellow, pink, and faint violet, such a warm and romantic vibe.

Let’s join and admire the endless waters of Quang Lang Beach!